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COFFEE - Drink Yours for Health and Wellbeing

//Photo in this post is created by me, DD.

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world and so it is in my life .... Many health professionals believe it is also one of the healthiest drinks! Isn't this just great, for us coffee lovers?! ... I got so curious and went looking for more information about coffee and being healthy ... and I found many interesting details, which completely changed the way I drink this wonderful "energy drink".

coffee , healthy coffee , organic coffee , health tips

Coffee, it's good, it's healthy .... but not in any way !!! For it to do good for our health, we have to know how to use it and not spoil it (yes, 95% of people spoil coffee the way they drink it.)

For it's high levels of antioxidants and beneficial nutrients, coffee may offer some protection against:

  • Parkinson's disease

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • Liver disease, including liver cancer

  • Heart attack and stroke

  • Can produce positive effects on gut health

These benefits our body get's only if ...

See everything below:


This, I think, is one of the most important! Sugar (any sugar) completely spoils all the good things in coffee ... Although coffee is healthy in itself, you can easily turn it into something harmful. The best way to do this is to put a lot of sugar in it. Added sugar is undoubtedly one of the worst ingredients in the modern diet. Sugar, mainly due to its high amount of fructose (attention! Fructose is bad and many people think otherwise), is linked to all types of serious diseases, such as obesity and diabetes. If you can't imagine living your life without a sweetener in coffee, use a natural sweetener like stevia. There are several ways to further reduce your intake of added sugar.


Caffeine is a stimulant, which is one of the main reasons why coffee is so popular. This gives you a jolt of energy and helps you stay awake when you feel tired. But if you drink coffee at the end of the day, it can interfere with your sleep. Bad sleep is associated with all kinds of health problems (unfortunately many people don't take it too seriously)! For this reason, it is important not to drink coffee at the end of the day, more precisely from at least from 4pm. If necessary, choose decaf or opt for a cup of tea, which contains much less caffeine than coffee. Abstaining from coffee after 3 - 4pm is a good guideline. That said, not everyone is equally sensitive to caffeine, and some people can sleep very well, even if they drink coffee at the end of the day (or rather, think they are sleeping well, in fact sleep is not being as it should be, but that's another thing to talk). However, if you feel you can improve your sleep, avoiding coffee at the end of the day can be an effective strategy.


The quality of the coffee can vary widely, depending on the processing method and how the coffee beans were grown. Coffee beans tend to be sprayed with synthetic pesticides and other chemicals that were never intended for human consumption.

The benefits of organic coffee The undoubted advantage of a natural drink is the absence of toxic residues of chemical fertilizers, harmful substances, and flavorings in the grains. Organic coffee beans have a rich aroma, high caffeine content, providing an energy boost for a full day, which is after all 8 hours, in the most healthy way.


Cinnamon is a tasty herb that combines particularly well with the flavor of coffee. Studies show that cinnamon can lower blood glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides in diabetics. If you need a little flavor, try adding a dash of cinnamon. It is surprisingly good. Just make sure you don't put too much into your cup. Although small amounts of cinnamon are healthy, too much can cause some adverse side effects


Cocoa is loaded with antioxidants and associated with all kinds of health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease. Try adding a pinch of cocoa powder to your coffee for added flavor. Caffè mocha, a chocolate-flavored version of caffè latte, is served in many cafes. However, caffè mocha is usually sweetened with sugar and lactose. You can easily make your own at home and skip the added sugar and lactose.


For coffee turn more nutritional you can add a little coconut oil or MCT oil. Like that Coffee is not only more nutritional but also tastier. MCT oil is especially good for people over 55 and those who practice sports, because it gives strength to the brain and body. Attention, coffee with added oils should not be consumed on an empty stomach! It can harm the digestive system! Therefore, either take it with food or after a meal.


This is my fav one! This is my breakfast 3 - 4 times a week!!!

Fasted coffee can be a real lifesaver for your gut. But in that case, it has to be sugar-free, milk-free and totally organic. If you decide to cure your gut with coffee, you have to have a large glass of water before and after drinking that coffee. It is even better if the first meal only takes at least 2 to 3 hours after this pleasant gut cure!

Benefits - include improved brain function, as well as reduced inflammation, blood sugar, heart disease risk and how I already mentioned, heals the gut. Healthy gut means healthy brain and healthy skin... more about Gut -Skin connection see HERE.



My absolutely favorite coffee, you can find on, is without caffeine by Mount Hagen ... really loving this one. It's super tasty and very aromatic. Great option to have on the mornings as the Fasting coffee. Another one to love is by Mt.Whitney Coffee Roasters. Both brands are organic that offer also the caffeinated type of coffees. (Remember to save on iHerb with code AQW5924).

//I am healthy anti-aging enthusiast, not a nutritionist nor dermatologist. Therefore, you might want to clarify some things with a specialist first, especially if you have a specific health or skin problem.

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