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Stop Ageing - Live LONGER & HEALTHIER Lifestyle Steps.

// This post doesn't contain any affiliate links. Photo in this post is created by me.



Forget what you’ve been told about the inevitability of aging... we are on the beginning of the new era where people will live much longer and the aging can be stopped, even reversed. People live their lives thinking that aging is natural process, that can´t be reversed... But Science is going hard on this and results are coming out. It’s a seemingly undeniable truth that aging is inevitable. But what if everything we’ve been taught to believe about aging is wrong? What if we could choose our lifespan? - Dr, David Sinclar.

In the last few years, scientists have succeeded in making old organisms younger. There are many ways to do this, via cutting-edge biotechnologies, and – to a lesser extent – via specific lifestyle interventions. Sharing below all the ultimate age reverse lifestyle steps, that can be practiced by each of you.

Age Science NMN, healthy lifestyle, healthy eating, longevity, longevity tips

EAT LESS OFTEN / INTERMITTENT FASTING’s not just what you eat, but when you eat, that’s important.

JUST SKIP A MEAL... better two! Or change your lifestyle to Intermittent Fasting one ...

"There are numerous studies pointing to the health benefits of intermittent fasting", says Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School Dr. Sinclair, “Almost any periodic fasting diet that does not result in malnutrition is likely to put your longevity genes to work in ways that will result in a longer, healthier life.”

Fasting 16 - 18 hours a day may greatly improve your heart health. It reduces the bad cholesterol that clogs the blood vessels and heightens the chances of heart disease. See all the benefits of Intermittent Fasting:

  • Insulin levels. Blood levels of insulin drop significantly, which facilitates fat burning.

  • Human growth hormone (HGH) levels. The blood levels of human growth hormone may increase dramatically. Higher levels of this hormone facilitate fat burning and muscle gain, and have numerous other benefits

  • Cellular repair. The body induces important cellular repair processes, such as removing waste material from cells

  • Gene expression. There are beneficial changes in several genes and molecules related to longevity and protection against disease.

  • Intermittent fasting helps you eat fewer calories while boosting metabolism slightly. It’s a very effective tool to lose weight and visceral fat.

  • Can reduce insulin resistance and lower blood sugar levels, at least in men.

  • Can reduce oxidative damage and inflammation in the body. This should have benefits against aging and development of numerous diseases.

  • Can improve numerous risk factors for heart disease, such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, triglycerides, and inflammatory markers.

  • Fasting triggers a metabolic pathway called autophagy, which removes waste material from cells.

  • Help prevent cancer in animal studies and some human studies. Research in humans showed that it can help reduce side effects caused by chemotherapy.

  • It may increase growth of new neurons and protect the brain from damage.

  • May be protective against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

...not to be surprised, when Intermittent Fasting is considered as the most healthy diet of all times! Do you wanna know the less healthy diet? - Atkinson diet... but this is not what I wanna talk about... lets get back to the good healthy stuff that can make us look younger :) ...



  • Reduce your intake of animal protein, especially processed red meat such as sausages, salami, bacon, ham, hot dogs, patés, etc.

  • Eat a lot Avocado

  • Replace red meat (e.g. beef, pork, mutton, veal) with white meat (poultry), fatty fish (e.g. salmon, herring, mackerel), and meat substitutes (based on tofu, pea, or mushroom protein).

  • Consume lots of vegetables, legumes, mushrooms, fruits, nuts, seeds. Vegetables should be the basis of your diet (not potatoes, pasta, rice and bread).

  • Reduce your intake of starchy, empty-calorie foods like bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes. Replace them more with vegetables, legumes, mushrooms or quinoa.

  • Avoid sugary foods and drinks as much as possible, like sodas, fruit juices, candy, cookies, sweets, cake, pastries, doughnuts, candy bars, chocolates and so on.

  • Avoid everything that makes your glucose levels shoot up drastically

  • Eat some greens like arugula with everything you eat… this will make your glucose levels more balanced

  • Avoid trans fats, which can be found in fried foods, fast-food, bakery products (e.g. crackers, cookies, cakes), and vegetable shortenings.

  • Significantly reduce your intake of omega-6-fat-rich foods, like corn oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, margarine, sesame oil, mayonnaise and most salad dressings.

  • Consume more healthy fats, especially omega-3 fats, by consuming more olives, olive oil, walnuts, avocados, flax seed, chia seed, fatty fish and so on.

  • Consume foods that have come straight from nature and processed as little as possible, like foods your great-grandmother would recognize.

  • Consume a daily, freshly-made smoothie with vegetables and low-glycemic index fruits, like blueberries.

  • Eat specific foods that can slow down aging: green leafy vegetables (broccoli, spinach, arugula), blueberries, dark chocolate (containing at least 70% cacao), salmon, shrimp, walnuts, pomegranate, etc.

  • Avoid toasted nuts - when heated they turn toxic

  • Eat beans (black beans are the best ones) …studies has shown that people who eat regularly (even daily) beans live longer!

  • Drink your Coffee black and organic with no added sugar or lactose in it

  • Have your fasting coffee as mentioned above (always with glass of water before and after)

  • Remember- more your food lives, less live you!

*More about Fasting Coffee you will find HERE




White powerful powder, that I take daily in an empty stomach (powder version is better than capsules), holds the key to longevity in boosting cellular health. Read everything about this miraculous anti-aging molecule in my other post I posted some months ago > HERE. If you’re looking for the best, safest, and strongest NMN, AGE SCIENCE is what I recommend. I´m on this high quality German labs molecule already for a year ( 500mg per day) and I´m more than satisfied. Worldwide shipping.


Resveratrol protects the body from free radical cell damage. In addition, resveratrol promotes the activity Sirtuins. Sirtuins, Resveratrol and NMN are all interconnected, looking to stop - even reverse - aging. That´s why I take it always together with NMN. (Make sure you purchase Resveratrol that is white. Important: by taking resveratrol with a fat source, it improves it’s bioavailability.)


The main role played by Quercetin in anti-aging lies in its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Other than that, Quercetin also ensures that our cells are protected from free radical chain reactions. It increases the immunity of the body significantly. Believed to have important anti-cancer properties as studies indicate. Quercetin I take with courses - 2 months yes, one month I go without.


Molecule first found in sperm, hence its name. Spermidine is mainly known for its ability to induce autophagy. Autophagy is a very important process to keep our cells healthy and young. Makes part of a group known as polyamines. Polyamines interact with our cells and are responsible for performing various metabolic functions. Spermidine delays aging in humans and may counteract the general clock of aging; improves cardiovascular function, anticancer immune surveillance or neurodegeneration and thereby reducing the incidence of the major age-related diseases. I would recommend to take it daily, especially if you’re 50+...


Gut health is extremely important for overall health, good skin, immune system and healthy brain. Changing microbiome to healthy one is linked to less inflammation and contributes to longevity.

SEED good bacteria (look for the link below), my best friend at the time to gain back healthy microbiome, stronger immune system and better skin after antibiotic intake… I´ve had many probiotics in my life, but this is the only one I’ve got stick with. Works like any other probiotic I´ve had in my life. ‘DS-01™ Daily Synbiotic’ formulation of 24 clinically and scientifically studied, broad- spectrum strains to support healthy gut barrier function, integrity and systematic health. ViaCap technology together with two layer capsule coating ensures bacteria survive and stay viable... and this is why these pre-probiotics gives fabulous results already after just one month intake. SEED super organisms are my daily "health treat" for about 3 months now, and I´m completely blown away. Skin redness/irritations are gone and belly bloating is significantly diminished. And my Immune system is back!

>> feel free to use code ‘DD15’ to save 15% off on your SEED´s first month's supplies HERE.

* Worldwide shipping

** You may wanna check out article about Gut Microbiome role in anti-aging HERE


The one I´ve not yet had included in my lifestyle, but definitely its on my list. Fisetin is perhaps the most intriguing of the first generation senolytic compounds, those capable of selectively destroying senescent cells in old tissues and thus producing rejuvenation to a meaningful degree. Fisetin is a senolytic, a compound that can clear away senescent cells.

Senescent cells accumulate everywhere in the body during aging. These cells were previously normal cells that became too damaged. Normally, when a cell is too damaged, it kills itself, but senescent cells don’t do that.

I don´t know what I´m waiting for!!!? I need this! Recommendations??


Popular low cost anti-aging prescription drug that are used to lengthen the lifespan. Metformin has shown to extend lifespan in various organisms, including mammals. In humans, diabetics taking metformin actually live longer than healthy non-diabetics who obviously don´t take metformin. This was not the case for diabetics on other anti-diabetic drugs. For anti-aging benefits take 500 mg / 0.5g of metformin in the morning and 500 mg / 0.5 g in the evening.

K2+ D3+ Mg -

super important combo for heart and bone health. Ensure that calcium is absorbed easily and reaches the bone mass, while preventing arterial calcification. Helping to keep your heart and bones healthy. Vitamin D is the one that correlates very nicely with longevity, and it’s critical for bone and for skin health. Vitamin K also improves skin appearance. Magnesium is also a crucial part of the equation, as it is a component necessary for the activation of vitamin D. Without sufficient amounts of it, your body cannot properly utilize the vitamin D.

I’m on this combo already some large years. Absolute must have.


In terms of life extension, rapamycin is one of the most consistently effective drugs available. Works mainly as an immunosuppressant inhibiting mTOR which may benefit longevity. According to a recent study, rapamycin, a medicine that has long been used to suppress the immune system, may also help halt the aging process in human skin.

Have never tried this one on me...surely will. On the list!



Sirtuins are epigenetic regulators. There are seven sirtuins in mammals. They mute the chronic inflammation that drives many chronic diseases like atherosclerosis, arthritis, and asthma.

Sirtuin-activating compounds have been identified, such as fisetin and butein. Resveratrol outperforms both of these. It is considered a calorie-restriction mimetic. It has been shown to protect against several diseases, to extend lifespan in several species, and to make human cells resistant to DNA damage in the lab.

Activating the SIRT1 gene has been shown to boost mitochondrial activity and kicks off various processes that counter the effects of obesity, age-related decline, and age-related diseases.

*Following the Sirt Diet and eating sirtfood-rich meals encourages SIRT1 activation. This ignites the body’s natural properties of burning fat and warding off disease. The top ten sirtuin foods are blackcurrants, green tea, dark chocolate, olives (olive oil), capers, parsley, onions, turmeric, omega-3 fish oil and avocado.



Hydrate a lot. Drink at least 1.5 of liters per day: that’s 8 glasses per day…But better more. Drink green tea, white tea, ginger tea, Matcha or organic coffee (yes, coffee can reduce the risk of various aging-related diseases). Add spices (e.g. mint), lemon, lime or apple cider vinegar to add healthy detox properties.

Avoid as much as you can any sugary drinks (such as soda, commercial fruit juices, etc). My choice >> never.

One more thing I never drink is milk – milk accelerates aging.



Stressed plants - Plants grown without fertilizer or pesticides, produce their own defensive compounds. Eating them may also benefit our own biology.

"We have a theory called xenohormesis and that’s the idea that stressed plants make molecules that help them, but also when we eat those plants we turn on our defenses.”, says Dr. Sinclair." In following this theory, eating stressed plants that have been exposed to a lot of sun before harvest can help activate our body’s natural defenses. The best example is resveratrol in grapes. We bottle that in red wine and we’ve found resveratrol activates a particular longevity pathway in the body. That’s in part why we think red wine over the long run can be healthy”.



The older we get, the more insulin resistant our tissues become. The more insulin resistant you are, the less well your tissues can process sugars. The sugar is not taken up well into cells, and lingers around in the body, causing damage, which contribute to aging. Sugar, fructose, suclarose or everything actually that is sweet can put your glucose levels high and make your cell age faster.

The best of sweeteners is already so famous Stevia - it is one of the very few sweeteners that aren’t just safe, but it comes with actual health benefits as well. Stevia is known for its two greatest health benefits: lowering both blood sugar and blood pressure levels. A compound in Stevia called Stevioside was found in a study to improve insulin functions, resulting in lower blood sugar levels.



Lose your breath from exercise. Do hip-hinges exercises, weight-lifting. Keep your hips and legs strong.

If we sit around all day, and we don’t exercise, and we eat constantly, our defenses don’t get turned on. So being hungry (intermittent fasting we talked above) during the day and exercising, these are the things that tell the Sirtuin genes to come on and to protect the body. Exercise has several advantages, one of which is increased NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) levels which activate the survival network of lifespan regulators such as AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), and Sirtuins (the name comes from “silent mating-type information regulation”).

So, exercising has so many anti-aging benefits we definitely wanna add to our stop aging lifestyles!

No time for exercise? - “You may reap the advantages of exercise in 3 minutes a day by sprinting until exhaustion, or by pushing yourself as hard as possible for around 3 minutes and then resting,” Dr. Sinclair said.

i)- If you are above 45 and are able to perform more than 20 pushups, you are doing well.

(ii)- Test of sitting-rising (SRT): Sit cross-legged on the floor, barefoot. Lean forward and rise to a standing posture in one motion. Fit individuals may perform this without using their hands or making an intermediate motion to their knees. This is, in effect, a squat.



Get out your body of constant comfort. Do the sauna and jump in cold water baths to try and stimulate and get the body out of its complacency. Put your room temperature the way you feel slightly cold, sleep with a light blanket on, keep the doors and windows open, take cold showers, exercise in a colder environment, wear fewer layers of clothing.

Restricting calories itself reduces the body’s core temperature and so providing a substantially colder environment. Data reveals that constantly lower core body temperature correlates with prolonged lifespan. When we expose our bodies to cold temperatures, it starts in producing Brown Fat, that contributes to better lifespan.

Scientists used to believe that only babies had brown fat. They also thought this fat disappeared by the time most people reached adulthood. Researchers now know that even adults have small reserves of brown fat, that´s stored in small deposits around the shoulders and neck. So, You wanna get more of Brown Fat? Turn on the ice cold water in your shower time! ;)



Smokers age faster. Smoking causes DNA damage and keeps the repair crews working overtime, resulting in epigenetic instability and aging. Sinclair says, non-smokers are bathing in DNA-damaging chemicals too. Even breathing can damage DNA through air pollution, and we are exposed to many DNA-damaging chemicals in plastics, dyes, solvents, pesticides, hydraulic fluid, many foods, background and medical radiation, etc.



"Kill Senescent Cells Before They Kill You!"

A senescent cell is one whose life cycle has come to a permanent end. Normally, such cells are eliminated from the body by the immune system. But in some cases, this fails to happen and they accumulate in tissues, with potentially serious consequences for health, poisoning the body with chemical signals (cytokines) that fan the flames of inflam-aging.

Senescent cells can contribute to aging not only because of the accumulation of senescent cells but also by limiting the regenerative potential of stem cells. This leaves you more vulnerable to cancer and aging.

Cell damage and stress can have external sources, like toxins, viruses, and radiation. For example, when we catch some sun, the UV rays can cause DNA damage, which puts cells in an alerted frenzy to repair and maintain the integrity of our genetic code. There are more sources of damaging radiation, such as X-rays, which is why medical and dental technicians give you a lead shield to protect your cells and DNA from getting zapped.

Oxidative stress is another way our DNA is highly susceptible to DNA damage.

—The question is, how to eliminate these cells?

Some studies have shown that calorically restricted diets started in adulthood can reduce the number of senescent cells in proliferating,again, Intermittent Fasting it is! Fisetin is one good option, I talked about more above. Quercetin is the one that kills senescent cells in endothelial lining. The chemo drug is the one that works on fat cells. Dr.Wei and colleagues from the National Clinical Research Center for Geriatrics in China, has found that NMN treatment significantly reduced the number of senescent cells following the bleomycin antibiotic stress. These findings show that NMN protects against senescence induced both by excessive replication and stress.



Bla, bla bla... everyone knows that! But it´s just so important one, right?… If you have read the previous part about Senescent cells, you now know, why it´s so eminent to protect yourself from damaging UV exposure.

To avoid skin cell, collagen and matrix degradation, sunscreen is, above all, the most important aspect of an age control regimen. A broad-spectrum sunscreen product must be applied each morning to prevent further damage. Choose an SPF of at least 25 and look for ingredients like zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, avobenzone (Parsol), or ecamsule (Mexoryl®) to ensure adequate UVA and UVB protection.



Stress - the hardest to control from all the list for me...

Its just so difficult to get control of! Stress seems to be such a normal part of life, but learning to manage stress can help you live a longer, healthier life. You can take some GABA supplements, meditate, practice gratitude or just learn to accept the things you can’t change and be the calmest you can be... just do everything you can to move out the stress from you.



Finally, obtain a peaceful night’s beauty sleep! Overnight, the body must repair itself, and by skipping sleep, you are pushing yourself closer and closer to old age. Melatonin is a hormone made in the body that regulates night and day cycles or sleep -wake cycles. But it´s not only a hormone, but as well a powerful antioxidant that plays a crucial role in the reduction of inflammation in the body and in reducing oxidative stress, a leading cause of aging.

The body produces less melatonin as you age. Getting inadequate sleep further reduces the amount of melatonin available to the body. Sleep deprivation is also melatonin deprivation.

Can´t sleep? Take a supplement.

Melatonin is likely safe for most adults when used short-term. Melatonin is possibly safe when taken long-term. It's been used safely for up to 2 years. But it can cause some side effects including headache, sleepiness, dizziness, and nausea. Don't drive or use machinery for 4-5 hours after taking melatonin.

(*)Caffeine might increase or decrease melatonin levels in the body. When taken together with melatonin supplements, caffeine seems to increase melatonin levels.



Hope you´re feeling at least just a little bit inspired to give your body all the love, so beautiful changes can happen :)... Remember, to stop aging you should do these, above mentioned, steps all together + to slow down aging it’s important to avoid to the maximum things like microwaved plastic, X-rays, and CT scans as well. Good luck on your healthy living "New You" journey <3

//I am healthy anti-aging enthusiast, not a nutritionist nor dermatologist. Therefore, you might want to clarify some things with a specialist first, especially if you have a specific health or skin problem.

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